Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A little talk about manners

I am at my boiling point with rude people. In America we are so obsessed with individuality, and the personal experience that we seem to forget about the rest of society. We push and shove our way through life trying to know ourselves while treating everyone around us like crap. there are so many issues with how rude we are, that there would not be enough time to cover it in one blog. You would get sick of reading this, trust me. So instead I'm going to talk about specific issues that I find to be rude.

Today's issue: Your children!

Everyone is proud of their children, it's a given. You love them, think they are so smart, and are amazed at every new step they make in their development. It's normal to want to encourage your child in everything they do, from learning to eat solid food, walking, and learning to eat. Your toddler is the most important thing in your world. It's not, in the other hand the most important thing in my world. That means it's your job to provide your child with entertainment while at the doctors office, restaurants, super markets ect ect ect not mine, or the place you are going to (unless of course it's a children focused place.) Your focus should be your children, not the rest of the world. Pack a toy, or book for your child to play with to keep them entertained, and don't expect everywhere to have a play area.

I also understand that you are really excited with your little child's new found ability to strut their stuff. Wobbly little feet taking one step at a time, grasping at your fingers for support. I understand your want to encourage that motor skill, and teach them. The middle of the olive garden where servers are running from kitchen to tables with steaming hot soup on giant trays supported by one hand only, is not the right place to teach your child how to walk! Not only that, but the other people in the area do not want tiny little germ filled hands running up to their table and asking questions or grabbing bread sticks. If you want a play ground you can eat at, go to Chuck-E-Cheese, not an adult centered restaurant. It's okay to have your kid at a casual dining restaurant, but for the sake of being decent responsible parents who don't want to skin graft their child's face back on, pick them up when on the restaurant floor!

Okay, I' done with my rant for today. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Tita said...

I know what you mean about that.When I was in Alaska working at Freddies this woman was browsing baby clothes totally ignoring her toddler who was standing in the cart dangerously leaning over the edge wobbling so I ran over and put my hands out to steady the child and the woman could have killed me with her stare. lol She was so mad about me getting involved but I think she would have been more upset if her child had a concussion.