#1 I don't feel obligated to celebrate the holidays of other cultures or religions.
I don't celebrate Ramadan, Diwali, The Assumption of Mary, Ash Wednesday, of Yule- so why would I celebrate Halloween? Just because it has mainstream appeal (due to clever marketing) doesn't mean my child is having less of a childhood if we don't do it. We don't ask Jewish people why they don't celebrate Christmas, so why does a person meet so much judgement if they choose not to celebrate other holidays? I'm not Catholic. I'm not Celtic. I don't need to celebrate holidays that don't have anything to do with me.
#2 We don't need to get wrapped into the consumerism of this holiday.
According to USA Today Americans are projected to spend $7.4 Billion Dollars on Halloween this year. That is $7.4 billion dollars on outfits people will wear once, pumpkins that will rot, and decorations made by prison camp workers often detained for their spiritual practices. (If you want to learn about a SOS letters found in Halloween decor last year please check out this story.) We already have more stuff then we need, and Halloween is just another reason to procure more.
#3 I don't want to subject my daughter the objectifying costumes that have become the standard for women. Girls costumes are often focused on beauty instead of competence, and tend to be revealing even in child's sizes. Little girls who are exposed to sexualized messages early tend to internalize sexualization that can lead to a host of problems including low self esteem, eating disorders, depression and lower grades according to a professor at the University of Texas in Austin. Further more according to this study women who reveal more skin induce an emotional response, and are seen as less intelligent and competent. Yet here we are:

The little boys are given costumes with a baton to do his job. The little girl gets go-go boots. The little boy is given a medallion associated with the social status of being a count. The little girl gets a short skirt and lace up corset. These costumes are the male to female equivalent from the same manufacturer. We are teaching our little girls to be less then are, and reinforcing with our boys that it's okay to see them like that. This is not something I'm okay with.
#4 We don't need copious amounts of sugar procured by begging from strangers.
Although parents have banded together with the teal pumpkin to show signs of candy free homes for children with allergies this year, Halloween in previous years has been a nightmare for children with allergies or food sensitives including my daughter. Even if your child doesn't have the reaction my daughter does to artificial colors, and even if you are okay with GMOs, the lasting damages of diets high in sugar can't be ignored. Researchers are now starting to call Alzheimer's type 3 Diabetes. So what happens when we reinforce ideas that sugar is treasure worth going door to door begging for?
#5 My child isn't your child; she doesn't react the same as your child does.
Most people assume that the reason we don't celebrate Halloween has to do solely with our spiritual values. I would be lying if I said that wasn't a part of the reason, but there are many components to our decision. Starting around the beginning of September when my daughter sees the first Halloween decor go up in stores she starts to have nightmares. Some how pre-adoption trauma got a face, and that face is a witch. In the months of September and October I spend time comforting, snuggling, and reassuring a scared little girl that she is safe, and that the period of time when she was frightened and feeling abandoned is over. Most people who judge our choice to not participate in Halloween don't know that about this. My child doesn't react like your child. Your child doesn't react like my child. And if you don't have children, you should really just cool your parenting judgments in general. We live in a society where it seems normal to push our values on each other. How about we all just stop?
#6 Many states are passing laws that stop pedophiles from passing out candy to children. My state has not passed these laws yet.
What do you get when you combine registered sex offenders, a night of interacting with children while passing out candy, and sexualized costumes as stated above? Well, in my household we are not going to find out.
#7 My child isn't missing out on anything! Really.
We have found alternative activities to avoid Halloween. My daughter isn't missing out on any 'fun' with the less triggering activities we do. During the autumn season we celebrate the harvest. We go to the pumpkin patch and gather pumpkins, which are not carved, but are used for their seeds, chicken food and other useful things. Apples are eaten, leaves are collected, crafts are done and pumpkin everything is eaten. Despite studies that show people who are grateful are happier, the thankfulness and gratitude that used to take center stage in this season has been over shadowed by Halloween. Christmas season seems to start on November 1st, and Thanksgiving has lost footing to consumerism. I'm glad we continue to celebrate, reflect, and be thankful past when everyone takes down their pumpkins and moves on, we are not missing out on anything.
#8 Halloween is as much for the parents as it is for the Children. Admitting that was good for me.
We might all have a little Peter Pan syndrome and don't want to grow up, but for parents it's more then that. We like to see our kids in cute little costumes. We like to get complements on how cute our child(ren) look in their little costumes. Moms everywhere have so much pressure to do these amazing holidays like we see on Pinterest. And then post them on Facebook, so we can compare ourselves with other moms who are also doing over blown Pinterest inspired holidays who also posted on Facebook. Allowing myself to not be ran ragged by holiday pressure has been good for everyone in my family. Sitting Halloween out, has been a way for me to not give into the pressure I feel from our society and instead follow what I feel is best for my family.
#9 Just because it's a big deal to you, doesn't mean it's a big deal to me.
You love everything about Halloween. That's great. You also love bacon, women, and pastel pink. That doesn't mean I have to. We have a tendency to seek out people who are the same as we are and have shared values and ideas. It's called tribalism and can be seen all over American politics, and social issues. So I get it! When someone comes along doing something a little bit different it feels threatening. It's been the same story for all of human history, and it's pretty natural. Let me assure the entire world, my choice to not celebrate Halloween in no way impacts the safety or security of your tribe. It's not a moral statement to the world, there is no need for a witch hunt (see what I did there? Pun totally intended!) It's just not that big of a deal to us. And we don't have to be the same.
#10 And the best reason why we don't celebrate Halloween: None of your business!
When we were blessed with the ability to adopt our daughter it felt amazing to finally be her parents in a way that was complete. After a long battle she was 100% wholly ours, and we were hers. Before that we had to ask the state before we did anything, including cutting her hair, or going camping. It was a hard road we traveled to become her parents, and we are not willing to give up those parental rights easily to every opinion that blows past us. Rest assured our independent home study, the state of Washington, and the state of Oregon, felt we were reasonable stable parents and granted us custody. It should be good enough for you too!
If anything our family's choice to abstain from Halloween means more type 3 diabetes inducing candy for your children. It means one less person to compete with on Pinterest for coolest Halloween mom. And let's be honest, you don't want to mess with my mad pumpkin carving skills. Just because I don't do it doesn't mean I can't sculpt a masterpiece out of squash. The truth of the matter is, my choice to have my family abstain from Halloween doesn't negatively impact you in any way. So if you love Halloween then go for it, pursue it with the level of passion and reckless abandon that you see fit. And I won't judge you for it. And I will abstain from it, with deep rooted spiritual and social convictions. So now that you know I'm not just the raving mad evangelical you first pinned me as, maybe you can spend all of that energy you devoted to judging me on something more important? Like getting ready for Halloween.
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