You might not have known this- unless you've heard my complain about it (and there is a good chance you have) but there was a pumpkin shortage! I couldn't find the canned pumpkin anywhere. Lucky for me a friend who often hears me complain about things like this read an article saying the shortage was over and that week I went to the store to get some! I've been dying to make pumpkin chili as I first thought about this back in late August, and haven't been able to make it. FINALLY!
I made it with pinto beans I cooked in my crock pot yesterday. Using home cooked beans allows me to not only save about 1.50 per pot of chili, but also allows me to control the salt and preservatives in my food. I used the crock pot again today, because I'm in love with cooking dinner while not actually being in my kitchen.
Here is the recipe:
2 cups uncooked pinto beans, soaked, cooked and drained.
2 cloves of garlic minced
1/2 white onion chopped
1/8 cup of vegetable oil
1 green pepper, diced
1 can of diced jalapenos. ( I had a bad experience with fresh ones sans gloves, so I go canned on this even though it costs more.)
1 large can crushed tomatoes
large tomato can filled halfway up with water
1 can pumpkin puree
1 handful or 1/8 cup of diced cilantro
2 tsp cumin
A large splash or about 1/8 cup of apple cider vinegar
about 5 shakes of pumpkin pie spice
Salt and pepper to taste
Cook in crock pot all day long (about .87 cents per serving w/o cheese)
It was pretty good, spicy and mildly sweet. Next time I'll use apple cider instead of water to add a little more sweetness to the chili and more of a fall flavor. And maybe another 1/2 green pepper.
Of course pumpkin chili is best sprinkled with sharp cheddar cheese, and paired with pumpkin beer.
As far as pumpkin beer, there are a few to choose from. Stay away from blue moon. It's as though someone sprinkled some pumpkin pie spice into some coors. GROSS! I had my pumpkin chili with Buffalo bill's brewery Original pumpkin ale. (about 1.50 a beer)
I am excited to say the total cost of this meal w/sprinkle of cheese and a beer was: 2.62! I would say this is a budget friendly meal. :)
That sounds really good! I am totally going to try it! Next time there's a pumpkin shortage and you get desperate, try new seasons. I found some canned there last year when pumpkin was hard to find.
Yummy chili with pumpkin!
2 years ago I started making my own pumpkin puree for pies which is easier then it sounds and is sort of fun. I mean it is really messy so it can be a possible kitchen disaster. lol
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