Saturday, October 2, 2010

Stop and think savings

When trying to avoid temptations of spending, you realize that they are all around you. We are a consumer driven nation with messages on what we need, what we should want, and what we should have bombarding us at all times.

Stopping and thinking, and going by a list have been my best tools of defence right now. I went to Costco Friday night, and managed to stick pretty close to my list. I can't actually think of anything I got that I didn't need for our weekly meals, including things that make easy meals and will hopefully cut out a restaurant meal or two. This is where the big savings come in.

Stop and think was also a great defense. I nearly bought something Friday that I really didn't need, and would have been a total waste of money! I'm talking something I would wear once maybe twice a year. I had the purchase form totally filled out, and just sat there. After about half an hour of leaving it up on my computer I decided that it really wasn't something I needed and closed the window. Glad I did!

So there I am, not frozen, but still trying to make smart choices.

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