Today was the official end to our spending freeze. It feels pretty good to say with did it with a fair amount of success.
The things I've learned from my project:
1) We spend WAY too much on eating out
2) I am far more subject to impulse spending then I thought I was
3) I spend WAY too much money of coffee.
4) I shop when I'm bored as a form of entertainment- with out any purpose or need for anything. Both on line, and in person.
5) If I would stop and pause to think about if I need an item, 9x out of 10 it's an impulse and more of a want then a need.
So here are the things we are going to do going forward:
1) Not eat out as much. Not until after the 10th currently
2) Writing dinner menus so our meals are more planned
3) Children get allowances, so why shouldn't I? 20 dollars each month for Josh and I to spend on what we want. Quick deli meals, Starbucks, and things from the little store across from my office.
4) I should not shop with out needing something. If I need a sweater, I'll buy a sweater. If I need a pair of pants, I'll buy a pair of pants.
5) Let's face it, there are times when we come across an exceptional deal and we just have to have it. I will ask myself if I really need it. And if that means wondering around a store with a perfect T shirt in my hands when I know I have perfect t-shirts already in my closet until I have the good sense to put it down, so be it!
The things I've learned today:
1) Beer with a screw cap has no need to open with a bottle cap opener.
2) Blue Moon beer is made by coors, and their pumpkin beer sucks.
And finally a little talk about the end. The end is nearer now then it ever has been. This is universal because it's not specific about what the subject matter is. The end of the day, the end of this boring blog, the end of me thinking I'm cool? We don't know- but because we exist within the confines of time, it's always true. So the end is nearer now, then it was 2 seconds ago when you first started skimming through my blogging nonsense. Attached for your viewing pleasure of course is a picture of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. Even though the pale horse is yellow and should be green. Enjoy!
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